Monday, October 3, 2011 now in USA! Free music listening! product has been available to the world for a long time but has recently become available to all of us here in the good old USA! It is a free program to listen to music and you get the whole thing for the first 90 days but then you have limitations... Or you can upgrade to the full deal for only 9.99 a month.... So that stinks but still you can use it with the restrictions. Until, then you can listen to any album that you want and any song you want in any order that you want! But you have to listen to some commercials like any thing that is free, you pay in ad time. It is cool with me thought because I like to support the artists and buy music legally anyways. So go check out and tell me what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Actually you get 6 months free now, and I think it's less than 9.99 to upgrade too. I'm excited to see where Spotify goes, although it acts more like a marketing tool for artists rather than financial support (you need like 2 million listens just to get min wage equivalent). But as an artist myself, I am excited to use it in the near future!
