Thursday, May 5, 2011

Arcade Fire- The Suburbs (Album Review)

Best Album?

Is this really the best album of the year? Well at least it is better than Eminem and Lady Gaga. It is creative, alternative and a solid album. I wouldn’t have put it as the best album of the year but out of the nominees it was a great choice. Also, it is interesting that The Black Keys won the best alternative album of the year, though Arcade Fire was also up for that award. Normally the artist who wins the "Best" also wins the subcategories they were in. So does that mean that Arcade Fire is no longer alternative? Who knows... Both bands are great and deserve the recognition that they received it is just funny how award shows and ranking things work sometimes.

The Good!

This is a creative album with tons of great songs, in fact 16 of them! Wow, you really get your money out of this album. The songs still have the Arcade Fire flare, yet it seems to have wore off a little bit and has taken on a more mellow mood. This is an album that grows on you and the seems more epic than catchy.

The Bad...

I just isn’t Funeral…


4 out of 5. It is a good album and goes in with the collection of Arcade Fire nicely. An album that you can play over and over and not tire of.

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