Thursday, May 5, 2011

Augustana- Augustana (Album Review)

What Happened?

This album is different from everything else Augustana has put out. Actually all three of their albums are completely different. This time they cut out the piano and replaced it with lame guitar solos. If you can get over this, or if you never really enjoyed piano rock then you will love this album. Also, only two original members are a part of the band with the addition of two regularly. If you watch the Jay Leno performance they have other musicians join them as well.

The Good!

This album has the great melodic hooks that link all of the albums together and give Augustana a recognizable sound. They also implement a more Americana and rootsy sound. Many people say that they sound like the Killers and though this may be true about Steal Your Heart, and Shot In The Dark over all they have a different sound. Plus who doesn’t like the Killers. Most songs are solid and the album as a whole is quite strong.

The Bad...

The lyrics are the most distracting part of the music, with clichés bursting forth everywhere, and rhyming schemes that could make you vomit. Next are the uncertain guitar solos as mentioned before. The guitar’s just don’t seem to know what they are doing and the piano is missed to smooth the sound over. One last little negative is the songs seem to end awkwardly and the instruments just fade out, seeming like they just don’t know what the proper outro should actually be.


2.5 out of 5. This album is a mediocre one. It is not bad and is still creative but it doesn’t have the zip that the first album had. It is definitely better than what is playing on the top 40 but there are a lot better and more creative bands that have a nice sound to them. I would just buy the hits Steal Your Heart and Shot In The Dark.

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