Thursday, May 5, 2011

Emery- We Do What We Want (Album Review)

Continuing to Deliver

Emery has continued to put out hardcore music that is accessible to many people by including a lot of singing. This album has many more breakdowns than Emery has had in the past and have included metalcore type of drum beats and guitar parts. It has the creativity that Emery always does and they keep it interesting even though it is their 5th full length album.

The Good!

Shredding guitars, double bass parts, break downs, smooth vocals, and intense screams make this album intriguing. The first 8 songs are intense and make you want to get in a pit and start thrashing. The last two songs bring it down a bit and are more acoustic which is a nice end to such and intense album. They always sing about such relevant topics and are not afraid to say what needs to be said, no matter what anyone says about them.

The Bad...

A few too many break downs makes the structure of the songs similar at times, and they blend in to one another. I have always thought that the guitars could have done more in Emery's music and a few more interesting solos would make this better as a whole, it is the same with this album.


4.5 out of 5. If you liked what Emery has done in the past you will like this album. If you don't like hardcore music and screaming then you will not enjoy this album. The scream and singing combination of this album keeps Emery relevant in the music scene.

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